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HTML Attributes

HTML attributes are additional pieces of information that can be added to HTML elements to provide extra details or settings about those elements. Attributes are always specified in the opening tag of an HTML element and are written as name-value pairs.

Here’s a breakdown of HTML attributes:

  1. Name: The name of the attribute, which identifies the specific property or characteristic being set. Attributes are usually lowercase, but they are not case-sensitive.

  2. Value: The value assigned to the attribute, enclosed in double quotes. The value provides information or settings for the attribute.

Here’s an example of an HTML element with attributes:

					<a href="" title="Visit Example">Click here</a>


In this example:

  • <a> is the HTML element (an anchor/link).
  • href is an attribute that specifies the URL the link points to (
  • title is another attribute that provides additional information (a tooltip) when you hover over the link (Visit Example).
  • "Click here" is the content between the opening and closing tags, which is the visible text for the link.

Common HTML Attributes and Their Use Cases:

  1. href: Used in anchor <a> elements to define the destination URL for links.

  2. src: Used in <img> elements to specify the source (URL or file path) of an image.

  3. alt: Also used in <img> elements to provide alternative text for the image, helpful for accessibility and if the image can’t be displayed.

  4. id: Gives a unique identifier to an HTML element, which can be used for styling or JavaScript interactions.

  5. class: Assigns one or more class names to an element, enabling styling and selecting elements with CSS and JavaScript.

  6. style: Allows inline CSS styling for an element, defining its appearance.

  7. title: Provides additional information about an element, often used for tooltips when hovering over an element.

  8. width and height: Used in <img> elements to set the width and height of images.

  9. disabled: Applied to form elements (e.g., <input>, <button>) to disable user interaction.

  10. target: Used in anchor <a> elements to specify where the linked content should open (e.g., in a new browser window or tab).


Attributes help define the behavior and appearance of HTML elements, making it possible to create interactive and styled web pages. Different elements support different attributes, and understanding how to use attributes effectively is crucial in web development.

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