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HTML Quotation and Citation Elements

1. <blockquote> Element:

The <blockquote> element is used to represent a block of text that is a quotation from another source. It is commonly used for longer quotations.


  <p>This is a longer quotation that spans multiple lines and provides context.</p>
  <footer>— Source Author</footer>

2. <q> Element:

The <q> element is used for inline quotations, indicating that the enclosed text is a short inline quotation.


					<p>The <q>quick brown fox</q> jumps over the lazy dog.</p>


3. <abbr> Element:

The <abbr> element is used for abbreviations or acronyms, and it often includes a title attribute to provide the full form or description.


					<p><abbr title="World Health Organization">WHO</abbr> is an international organization.</p>


4. <address> Element:

The <address> element is used to represent contact information for the author or owner of a document or an article.


  <p>Written by John Doe</p>
  <p>Contact: <a href=""></a></p>

5. <cite> Element:

The <cite> element is used to reference the title of a creative work (e.g., a book, movie, song) or the name of a person.


					<p>This information is based on a study by <cite>Author Name</cite>.</p>


6. <bdo> Element:

The <bdo> (Bidirectional Override) element is used to override the current text direction.


					<p>English: <bdo dir="rtl">مرحبا بك</bdo></p>


In this example, the text inside <bdo> is written in Arabic and will be displayed right-to-left.

These HTML elements contribute to the semantic structure of your document, making it more accessible and meaningful. Choose the appropriate element based on the content you want to represent.

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